Glen Rock High School Class of 1968
Photo Album

Have any photos you'd like to share? Class photos, party photos, general photos from our time in the Glen Rock School system. 

Also, if you have any memorabilia you can scan and programs, newspaper articles, graduation items, tickets, etc.

We can include these in our Memory Book!

THE EMBERS Brian Fox, Ken Cronin, Mat Byrnes, Doug schmooze
Left to right: Gary Pellock, Denise, Carol, Leslie, Debbie, and Jan
Tina, Sharon, Peg & Ginger
Phil Glodova, Bill Mitchell, Bill Hardenberg, Gordon (Buster )LaForge
Babs Lienhard, Carl Herman, Rich Neiman
Ralph, Bill Hardenberg, Jimmy VanHeest & Lou at Rivara's Owl
"Looking good Mr. Kotter... and GRHS Class of '68 30 years ago"
The Glory Days!
Here's how we looked 10 years ago!
Remember when...
Our table at our 20th Reunion
Display photographs in the following Albums: 50th Reunion 20th Reunion 40th Reunion High School Junior High Elementary School Memorabilia Fun times in Glen Rock Sports Misc.
(Click on an image to view at full size.)
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